Meet Brendan Geary

I work with leaders at all levels who are facing challenges, complexity and change and who want to up their game to deliver on their promises. All too often, development activities are short-lived and the insights soon forgotten. In the role of coach, I will be with the individual or team to help them increase awareness and become clear about who they are and where they are going. We work together to change the rules of the game, to play full out and to create accountability and lasting change. When true personal growth occurs and collective leadership intelligence increases, the impact on the organization is transformational.  

With over 25 years of proven strategic expertise as an HR Executive, and working with a wide array of leadership teams, I’ve gained a broad business experience to serve my client base. I have a passion for personal growth and leadership development. 

Curriculum Vitae

BS Psychology, National University of Ireland
M.Sc. Occupational Psychology, Queen’s University of Belfast

Published by The British Psychological Society, Journal of Occupational Psychology.


  • Certified Professional Coach (iPEC)

  • Energy Leadership Index - Master Practitioner

  • Certified Team Performance Coach (TCI International)

  • Lominger 360 Assessments

  • DISC Profile Assessments

  • SHL assessment tools

  • ORSC trained


Enjoys traveling, running, sailing and cycling. Currently studying Spanish and learning to sing a little bit well.

I felt much passion in my senior HR roles, witnessing how great leadership percolates through an organization, fueling excitement and enthusiasm, creating value and ultimately leading to high levels of sustainable performance. Yet, I was longing for something different and took a sabbatical to travel to South America. This was supposed to be my Hero’s Journey where I stepped into the unknown and got all the answers. But it wasn’t until I came back that my true journey began. I was right back where I started, doing what I always did. It didn’t feel right. And so, my INNER hero’s journey began.

I knew that I had to do something different. After meditating one day on my deepest desires and my unique gifts, the answer became crystal clear. I would open my own coaching practice and i2i Coaching was born.
— Brendan Geary