Coaching Services

My role as a coach is to help you shift your perspective and energy levels so you can shape and achieve your goals. We work together on your inner leadership game, your team game, and the shape of your organizational culture. The focus is to break old patterns and find new, more creative and resourceful ways to lead with less energetic cost to you.

Some results you can expect:

  • Improved positivity, which sustains productivity
  • Enhanced communication, transparency and decision-making
  • Better relationships and connectivity, which positively impacts retention
  • A constructive way to resolve conflicts quickly and effectively
  • A spirited team culture, which impacts performance of other teams in the organization
  • Potential to more effectively tap into team creativity and improve innovation
  • Enhanced accountability, which leads to long-term business results

Executive Coaching (1:1)

Working one on one with you, through a structured process, you will gain insights into your current strengths and default settings, as well as, barriers to success. We develop a plan to play to your strengths, remove barriers, and shift your energy toward higher levels of leadership to achieve specific outcomes. At the highest level, it is about letting go of who you think you are as a leader and installing a new operating system for your future. The impact of this work is transformational and achieves extraordinary results. 

Team Performance Coaching  

We look at what is going on in the team by taking a “systems” view.  In this way, it is not about any one person but the interplay of relationships and how this impacts team performance. The focus on productivity and achievement is held through the lens of relationship and culture so business performance is amplified. The culture and atmosphere of a team (what’s going on in there) is often a reflection of the overall culture of the organization (what’s going on out there). As such, changes made by senior or highly visible teams are leverage points for organizational transformation.

Leadership Workshops

Specially tailored workshops in areas including:

  • Energy Leadership
  • Leading Change
  • Leader as Coach
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Influencing Others
  • Performance Management
  • Employee Engagement