Bring More of You to Work  

I cried my eyes out today on the way home from the doctor. It was an outpouring of grief. I allowed it all to pass through my body in waves even though I was driving.  I had just listened to Sam Harris’s “The Last Time” segment on the Waking Up App.  And I had the thought that I sat through the doctor’s appointment kinda numb but present enough to be pleasant.  Yes. There I was. Again. Two more biopsies today. I’m used to this. I’ll deal. Now driving home, I deeply realize how I disconnected from that experience. What if this was the last time I saw Dr.Rogachesky? Yes - I thanked her and smiled as she left. But I did not deeply connect with my experience. I did not feel any gratitude for her care and kindness or appreciation that I can get treatment.  No gratitude for my battle-scarred and wonderful body that carries me around despite the years of abuse. My grief, driving home is that I have not been paying attention. I have missed a million chances to connect with my life. I feel those waves of grief right now. I was stopped at a traffic light and saw a homeless man. I was balling at this stage. I was reminded of all the times I stared at my windscreen to avoid being “got” - to avoid feeling. I can start now I thought. I rushed to grab a note. It was a Twenty. Oh boy - “that’s a Twenty” I thought. So what? But it was too late. He walked right by my window on to the next car.  As I park I think of my scarred body again and remind myself not to drink as much. I came home and kissed a leftover orange peel on the counter top. I do look after myself. I do nourish myself. I am grateful for the Orange. I heat up some steel cut oatmeal to honor and appreciate my hunger, my body, before sitting down to write.  

This happened last Friday. Perhaps you are wondering why I am telling you this? You see, my intention was to write about “love in the Workplace” this month. After all, it’s Valentine’s Day on Friday. But that topic seems particularly dry (or perhaps salacious) to me now. I wasn’t quite sure in which direction I would take it anyway. So, the topic is how to connect more fully to our own experiences – especially at work. I’m imagining, if you’re like most people, you bring a much smaller part of yourself to work; the Thinking, Problem Solving, Get-it-Done, Don’t-Show-My-Mess Self.  

Now, I am not suggesting that you crack yourself open and lay it all bare.  But I want to say, we can do better!  We can connect more fully with ourselves and with others.  We can wake up more. The art of appreciation is as profoundly simple way to do this.  

The best guidance I have seen on the art of appreciation comes from the Conscious Leadership Group.   There are 4 simple steps.  Check it out (only 2.24 mins).  Click HERE.

Often when we appreciate others in the workplace, it can be outward directed energy.  We lean in, we smile, we might talk faster and our voice might rise slightly. Up and out energy. My “thank you” to Dr. Rogachesky was a little like that. At worst, we do it because we believe that this is what great leaders do or to drive employee engagement. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing. What I am saying is to take a moment, drop into your heart space, feel it.  And then when you speak, let yourself be impacted by it all – enjoy that lava cake that Diana speaks about in the video. Connect to your own experience of it all. Yum! 

Now, here’s a challenge I have for you.  And this really does sound dry. LOL.  

Are you willing to take the 30-Day Corporate Appreciation Challenge?   Yeah… ”Corporate Appreciation Challenge” sounds a bit hollow to me compared to Yummy Chocolate Lava Cake Appreciation. But there are some damn good ideas in here. Perhaps you can make your own lava cake experience with them? Or whatever rich, gooey, comforting substance works for you. Click HERE for more. 

Now that I think of it, genuine heart-felt appreciation is an expression of love.  I can see Saint Valentine smiling.

P.S. I highly recommend Sam Harris’s Waking Up App.  It’s more than mindfulness, more than meditation.  Well…it’s about Waking Up.

P.P.S. I can’t help myself from offering one more thing.  The Foundation for Conscious Living has put together 66 emails on appreciation. I tried it a few months ago and it was a lovely experience to drop into every day.  It grounded me in our own magnificence as human beings (and I need reminding!). Click HERE to sign up.






Brendan Geary